The Barfday Team

  • Holly Grothe, author

    Around Cyrus’ age, Holly threw up on her birthday three years in a row. Her most memorable birthday barfday reset took place at the County 4-H Fair in the craft judge’s line. The summer heat and her nerves over entering her projects got the best of her! She was able to open presents and eat cake that evening, so all was well in her eyes.

    Holly is a mother of four and also works as a sonographer. She loves nature and will never turn down a road trip or a game of volleyball.

  • Jon Engel, author

    Jon's most memorable reset happened on a Boy Scout camping trip to Gettysburg, PA. He leaned over the Cyclorama exhibit railing, carrot puke splattering on the spiral walkway far below.

    Outside of work as a piping designer, Jon enjoys nature and landscape photography, and is over two-thirds of the way through visiting all 63 US National Parks. He still enjoys eating carrots, especially with ranch dressing.

  • Alana Beall, illustrator

    Alana’s last reset happened at the start of drawing Happy Barfday! Her whole family got the stomach bug. Even the cat was sick because he ate hair ties!

    Alana studied Visual Communications at Villa Julie before starting her graphic design company, Vanity's Edge. She enjoys painting, spending time with her family and pets, and crafting with her two kids.

    Alana’s cat is doing well!

    Vanitys Edge

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